With Marcio Franca Dias
As a starting point, we know that every surf manoeuvre comes from a good effective bottom turn combined with speed management. This allows you to carry forward the momentum necessary to execute a particular turn.
In this shot, I chose to take a high line on the wave; considering its smaller size and energy I have to generate speed by pumping the edge of my inside rail into the wave face, gaining the velocity that I’m looking for. Once I have the speed, I just need to see what the wave wants me to do.
I remember being pretty late going up against the lip of the wave which worked perfectly with the bottom of my board making more out of the turn and staying a bit higher than I expected.
To finish, I just transfer my bodyweight to face the base of the wave, using the brace of the blade of my paddle in the water to give me the support to complete the move. Then I’m able to throw myself back down diagonally managing to bring the board right back under my feet making a clean finish. This is how to make a back hand re-entry.
Speak to Marcio at SUP