Timing is Everything
Everything is perfect, the food is good, the surf was ok and the view is madness. Were it not for builders repairing the ceiling. Drilling. Grinding. We watch the spear fisherman come out of the water. He’s got plenty of booty. A giant squid. This will be brought directly into the restaurant kitchen and maybe ends up directly on my plate. It just does not get any fresher. Tuna toastie or classic cheese and ham? The guys order and are quite surprised with the big drippy cheese sandwiches they get. I rely on the octopus salad, after all, the most important ingredient has just eaten small fish. Perfect choice, my dish looks really damn good and is also quite cheap. I now have two envious ‘friends’ sitting in front of me eying my food. We enjoy the sun and have a great view of the Praia de Santa Rita Bay, surrounded by bright green hills. We were tipped off to visit the area, for as Peniche is definitely one of the best surfing spots around, you are sometimes sharing the water hundreds of surf students.