It’s not very often that takes me this long to get to my destination; the destination being Lagundri Bay on the island of Nias. Already a long trip, it had more than its share of unforeseen delays: Malaysia Airlines A380 flight from Paris cancelled, then forest fires that made it impossible for the small twin-engined plane doing the Sumatra-Nias route to fly.
So here I am, stuck in Medan, an average Indonesian town with not much to recommend it. Happily, David Latastere, Chase Kosterlitz and Pete Holliday managed to move on a few days before the lockdown. Flights arrived on time, no problems with connections, just the baggage which was too big for the small aircraft flying the island routes twice a day, so it had to go on the boat.
“ The wave is no problem for Davos, he’s perfectly placed after a round house cutback to nail a huge bottom turn, racing back up the face to smack the lip off yet another one… ”